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[connect, join, balance]

Everything we do can become yoga if it is done with awareness. Awareness is the key to discover all the mysteries of who we truly are.

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice.

It allows us to wake up to who or what we really are and to what life is all about.

It is a body of techniques that lead us to consciously connect with ourselves and with life, the experience of yoga.

As yoga is a science, there is no dogma or belief system

attached to it.

Yoga simply tells us to do a certain practice and then to feel the effect of that practice, e.g. if we breath slowly in a relaxed manner we will slow our heart rate; if we focus the mind we will develop mental peace and deep insight.


The word, yoga, comes from the Sanskrit yuj, which means “to yoke” and «samadhi» or «concentration.» Thus, yoga is the practice that aims to join the mind, body and spirit. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and, over the years, many different interpretations have developed about what yoga means. Each different type of yoga has its own emphasis and practices.

Yoga Classes

Online Zoom

Saturday 10am CET

Six Fours les Plages

Beach Yoga Summer 2024

Plage de Bonnegrâce

Schedule to come

Bring your yoga mat, two blocks and a yoga strap. For Yin a bolster or equivalent.

Classes Villa Roka Six Fours les Plages

Winter 2024 dates to come


+33 6 12 18 26 57


Zoom: 15€/class

4 classes/1 month: 50€

8 classes/1 month: 90€

Villa Roka: 17€/class

Card 4 classes: 64€ (2 months)

Card 6 classes: 90€ (3 months)


Immersions around the world


*Become Yoga Teacher*

YTT200 Foundation

Yoga Teacher Training
Journey to YourSelf:
The Tantric Path

Immersion 1st to 21 of September 2024

More informations:


Our body is our temple.

And when we enter within, we enter into our full presence.

We transform, transmute, integrate. We grow.

We shift to the awareness of all the realities

our existence is made of.

Here is the magic.

Journey to Yourself
YTT200 Foundation
Yoga Teacher Training
TheFoundations, the Tantric Path
Immersion 1st-21 September, 2024
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