Wednesday 10am France / 5pm Bali/Hong Kong
Online Yoga class Zoom
60' of live classes, online, from the comfort of your own home! A moment to find yourself, breathe, honor your bodies and your presence. All levels.
Heure et lieu
Wednesday 10am France / 5pm Bali/Hong Kong
[Connect, join, balance]
Everything we do can become yoga when done with awareness. Awareness is the key to discovering all the mysteries of who we really are.
Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that awakens us to who or what we really are and what Life is all about.
Classes are announced every Monday on the Whatsapp Yoga group with Marie Pierre :
Wednesday 10am France / 17h Bali Hong Kong
Prices Zoom :
15€ per class
50€/4 lessons (1 month)
90€/8 lessons (1 month)
Practical information:
Bring your yoga mat, two blocks and a yoga strap.
For Yin, a bolster or equivalent.
Information : +33 6 12 18 26 57